Where Did Feng Shui Come From?

Feng Shui is a natural science which dates back between 2000 and 5000 years ago in the Ancient China. Some of the tenets of spiritual traditions were probably adapted from feng shui.  Feng Shui literally means “Wind” and “Water” and together the words represent harmony and balance. The ancient practitioners were the building scouts for groups of elite people. They searched for "the belly of the dragon" which was areas that were above flood plains and below strong winds, creating a balance of wind and water. The ancient feng shui masters would then guide the building of the home or the village in order to not disrupt the natural energy flow of the area. They are not allowed to helping the commoners instead only allowed to serve the elite classes or else punishment will be given. Feng Shui also can define as the art of placement or in other words called "the art of flow."

Besides, Feng shui relied on astronomy to find relationships between humans and the universe. "Raise the head and observe the sky above. Lower the head and observe the environment around us," is the ancient proverbial term for Feng Shui.  It is considered that the environment we live in is an integral element in the art of living. This ancient art is based on the flow of energy or “chi” through the universe and its influence on our daily lives. Through the knowledge of Feng Shui, people are believed to be able to make themselves more compatible with nature, their surroundings and their own everyday life, so that they can make an impact on their finances, health, and emotions. The ancient Chinese believed that the land's energy could either make or break the kingdom, so to speak.

The first written proof of feng shui is thought to be from the East Han Dynasty, around 25 A.D. Since feng shui is centered on the balance of yin and yang, and this had its height of popularity between 770 B.C. and 475 B.C., many scholars believe that this best dates the origins of feng shui.
